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BID Update 17.04.20: Grant news, "Furlough Scheme" portal & eligibility,extended restrictions

Government Grant Schemes This is a difficult update to write, as, whereas before, everyone was at the same stage – waiting for grant application information, completing the forms, getting the forms back in – we now have some businesses that have received their support, and others that are still waiting. For those of you that are waiting, I wish there were something I could say that would help this situation any easier to deal with, or something I could do to help your payment reach you any faster. But the only information I have is that “payments from Arun District Council are now being made. Arun has the largest population of small businesses in West Sussex who are entitled to a grant so it's a massive task but many have already received payments and more are on their way each day. “

source: Having looked into this for one of our BID businesses, it doesn’t appear that ADC are sending out remittance advice in advance of payments being made, as their focus is on getting the funds out to you. It really is a case of checking your bank accounts to see if the payment has gone in. From our records, I’ve calculated that around 330 BID Area businesses are eligible for the £10,000 Small Business Grant / Retail Hospitality and Leisure grants, and around 90 are eligible for the £25,000 Retail, Hospitality and Leisure payments. It would be incredibly helpful to have a broad picture of how many businesses have received the grant payments you are eligible for. If your business has received its grant, please would you email me, to let me know. The information will be kept completely confidential – I just need to know that our businesses are getting the financial support you’re entitled to. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: Get ready to claim If you have furloughed staff from your business, the online claim service for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will be launched on GOV.UK on Monday 20 April 2020. You can find full details of the scheme and eligibility to claim here: Any entity with a UK payroll can apply, including businesses, charities, recruitment agencies and public authorities. To prepare to make your claim you will need:

* a Government Gateway (GG) ID and password – if you don’t already have a GG account, you can apply for one online here: or by going to GOV.UK and searching for 'HMRC services: sign in or register' * to be enrolled for PAYE online – if you aren’t registered yet, you can do so now via this link: or by going to GOV.UK and searching for 'PAYE Online for employers' * the following information for each furloughed employee you will be claiming for: Name, National Insurance number, Claim period and claim amount, PAYE/employee number (optional). * If you have fewer than 100 furloughed staff – you will need to input information directly into the system for each employee. * If you have 100 or more furloughed staff – you will need to upload a file with information for each employee; HMRC will accept the following file types: .xls .xlsx .csv .ods.if y

You should retain all records and calculations in respect of your claims. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – extended eligibility An important change has been made to the scheme extending employee eligibility. This is really important news for any staff members that may have joined your payroll between 28th February and 19th March that weren’t eligible for the scheme before: Employers can now claim for employees that were employed and on their PAYE payroll on or before 19 March 2020. This means that the employee must have been notified to HMRC through an RTI submission notifying payment in respect of that employee on or before 19 March 2020. Employees that were employed as of 28 February 2020 and on payroll and were made redundant or stopped working for you after that, and prior to 19 March 2020, can also qualify for the scheme if you re-employ them and put them on furlough. You can find full details of the scheme and eligibility to claim here: Continuation of Social Distancing Measures The Government announced yesterday that the current social distancing measures will remain in place for at least the next three weeks until 7th May. The advice from SAGE is that relaxing any of the measures currently in place would risk damage to both public health and our economy.

Source: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin 16 April 2020 This means that the closure of certain businesses and venues must continue for at least three more weeks. The first three weeks brought a whirlwind of information –how to stay safe, who can go out, who must stay in, who can stay open, how you can operate, financial support available, how to apply, when to apply….. The first three weeks saw an incredible response from some businesses in Bognor Regis who have been able to show amazing initiative, imagination and creativity to adapt their businesses and continue operating in some way, shape or form. However, some businesses provide services that are impossible to continue safely within the guidelines, and some have seen demand drop so significantly that they have had to temporarily close operations. On all the webinars I attend for BIDs around the country, they stress how BIDs must be leaders, and provide guidance and clear direction for their members. But Leadership is also about recognising where people are at, and being sensitive to that. If you're waiting for your grant to come in, then today does not feel like the day for me to be giving you a list of things to consider to help you adapt your businesses, set up entirely new tech and delivery systems and overhaul your social media. Today feels like a rainy Friday. It feels like a day when everyone should just be left alone, to take a breath; we can share these ideas on Monday, when the week is new. So I will come back on Monday, all perky and bright and enthusiastic, with links to business support and reminders about what you CAN do. But for now I’m just going to wish you all a really peaceful weekend.

My very kindest regards to you all, Heather

Heather Allen, BR BID Co-Ordinator


Whilst Clair is temporarily furloughed, and I am working from home, you can still contact me by email:, by phone: 07917 692690 or through Zoom meeting software. The software is free to download and works across a wide range of platforms – phones, tablets, PC’s, Macs. If you’d like a virtual face to face, please invite:



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