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We're recruiting for BR BID Directors

Would you like to help set the BID’s strategic direction? Join the BR BID Board of Directors.

We’re looking for enthusiastic and positive levy paying business representatives to join the BID’s Board of Directors. This is an exciting opportunity to join the Board as the BID drives forward its strategic Term 2 delivery for the Bognor Regis BID Area.

The BID plays a vital role in representing business interests in Bognor Regis, with its overall aim of investing in improvements over and above those delivered by the local authority to enhance the trading environment. The BID is the ONLY organisation in Bognor Regis with this area as its sole focus, and our independent status, ability to deliver, and support for businesses has never been so important.

As a Director, you’ll be joining the Board governing the Bognor Regis Business Improvement District Ltd company. The board is made up of up to 12 volunteer Directors chosen from levy paying businesses from across the BID area. Directors of the BR BID take account of the interests of all levy payers and not just those of their own business sector or geographical area. The role of Director is unpaid.

What do BID Directors do?

As a Director, your non-executive role will be to:

· oversee the strategic direction of the Business Improvement District company,

· ensure that BID projects supporting its Objectives are delivered on time and within budget,

· ensure that projects and initiatives meet the needs of the BID levy paying businesses and

· make certain the BID performs its role effectively and fairly.

How much time will I need to dedicate to being a BID Director?

Directors meet approximately once per month, usually outside of normal day-time working hours. The full Board meets quarterly. It is expected that, by committing to being a Director, each person will attend every meeting in order to allow key decisions to be made efficiently and quickly. Meetings are currently held in person, in a town centre location.

As a Director, you may also be involved in a “Working Group” set up to deliver specific projects - usually in an area where you have particular interest or expertise (e.g. marketing; events, business crime reduction), and you’ll feed back to the main board to keep them well-informed on progress.

On average, Directors should be able to offer a minimum of one day per month to the BID, as this is roughly the time needed to review information, carry out research, oversee any projects you’re involved in and attend meetings. Some months may be busier than others, so a little bit of flexibility is required.

Can I apply to be a Director?

At this time, we are looking to recruit Directors from levy paying businesses. In order to be a Director of the BID company, you need to:

· be an owner of representative of a BID levy paying business

· be a member of the BID Company – this is very straightforward!

· satisfy the criteria as laid out in Part 10 of the Companies Act 2006, particularly, sections 154 to 180.

What skills do BID Directors need?

We’re looking for people that will:

· commit to the BID’s strategic direction

· have a positive influence at Board meetings

· communicate well with fellow Directors and BID employees

· act as an ambassador for the company and the BID area when any such opportunities

· be able to make decisions based on the evidence presented to you to benefit all levy paying businesses, and

· be prepared and able to defend your actions if challenged by BID levy paying businesses, the public or the media.

Directors need to be contactable and in a position to make decisions outside meetings as required from time to time, and have the ability to read and understand sometimes complex subject matter, make deductions and comment appropriately.

If you are interested in becoming a Director of Bognor Regis BID, please complete the attached application form, which can be found on our website here:

Completed forms should be returned either:

· By post to: c/o Matthew Reynolds, 31-33 High Street, Bognor Regis PO21 1RR

· By email to:

Closing date: 9am Monday 3rd April 2023

Appointments will be confirmed at the AGM on Thursday 6th April. Full details here: With kind regards, Heather Allen BR BID Co-Ordinator



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