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Empowering businesses by helping you grow and thrive

Over the course of Term 1, the BID delivered 23 unique engagement campaigns promoting businesses, 13 fully funded training events and celebrated, showcased and promoted individual businesses through its range of online platforms.

In the March 2022 survey, 70% of levy paying businesses said that in Term 2, the BID should prioritise quality activity that improves the BID Area, rather than providing services for individual businesses.

Businesses responding to that survey also said that the most beneficial activity the BID is involved in that benefits their individual businesses is its role in keeping the Two Hour Parking Disc scheme available. Our commitment to that partnership project is firmly embedded in the Term 2 Welcoming Town Objective.

However, we also want to make sure that your businesses benefit from opportunities to adapt and grow, so in Term 2, the BID is committing to delivering activity that increases direct footfall to your business by:

  • Helping businesses develop by signposting to training, support, cost savings and grants

  • Encouraging businesses to grow through networking opportunities, working in collaboration with other B2B providers to eliminate duplication and maximise the benefits businesses gain through engagement

  • Improving engagement between levy paying businesses and the BID, encouraging greater direct involvement in BID project development

We’ll continue to share details of training, grants and any cost savings we can leverage for our levy paying members. Bognor Regis already benefits from established, effective organisations that exist to specifically support and develop businesses. The University of Chichester, Arun Business Partnership, The Track and FFS Fun Friday Social offer a huge range of fully funded or low-cost support, advice, training and networking opportunities. There’s no value for levy payers in the BID attempting to duplicate this high quality provision, so we’re not going to. Instead, we’re going to team up, get alongside and signpost you to these existing providers.

The BID Team will continue to use the BID’s website, Facebook, Instagram and Mail Chimp channels to keep you informed about BID activity, and we’ll soon be introducing regular drop-in sessions, with the BID Hub regularly staffed till 6.00pm so you have the flexibility to meet in person at a time that’s convenient for you.

We’re also reintroducing “working groups” for key areas of interest such as events and promotion to encourage interested businesses to get involved at the early planning stage. These will all be shown on the online BID calendar at: And, as always, we’ll be available for you by phone, email, DM, Zoom and in person - either by appointment or during the regular drop-in sessions.


You can read and download the full BID Term 2 Proposal and other documents at:

You can read and download the BR BID’s Business Plan as an e-newsletter at:


You can contact us at any time with any questions about the ballot or the business plan:

Bognor Regis BID: 10 The Arcade, Bognor Regis PO21 1LH

Email Heather Allen, BR BID Co-Ordinator:

Visit our website:



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